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What's on at FOTOFEST ' 24. 

Below are our invited photographers and exhibitions for this year.
You can download the map below showing all the locations across the city

Sony World Photography Awards
14-22 September 
Exhibition Venue : Tama Tūranga Huata Room Toi Toi
Muncipal Building, Hastings

FotoFest is delighted to announce that an exhibition of the Sony World Photography Awards will be a key event of the 2024 festival. Featuring winning and shortlisted images from both the Open and Youth competitions, this will be the first time that an SWPA show has been held in Australasia.

Photo credit: © Liam Man, United Kingdom, Photographer of the Year, Open Competition, 2024 Sony World Photography Awards

The Sony World Photography Awards is the principal programme of the World Photography Organisation. Established in 2007, it is one of the world’s biggest and most prestigious photography competitions, celebrating the work of leading and emerging practitioners and attracting tens of thousands of visitors annually to its exhibitions worldwide.

Since the beginning, the Awards have championed inclusivity and access by being free to enter. Acting as an insight into photography today in all its diversity, the annual competition spotlights photographers telling the stories of our time. Over 395,000 images from over 220 countries and territories were submitted to the Sony World Photography Awards 2024.

The Sony World Photography Awards exhibition at FotoFest has been made possible thanks to the support of Sony New Zealand and Epson New Zealand.


The Open competition celebrates the power and dynamism of a single image. Winning photographs are chosen for their ability to communicate a remarkable visual narrative combined with technical excellence. Chosen from the 10 Open category winners, Liam Man (United Kingdom) won the Open Photographer of the Year 2024 title, receiving a US$5,000 cash prize, Sony digital imaging equipment and international exposure.

Liam Man won for his photograph Moonrise Sprites over Storr, depicting the well-known rock formation of the Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, lit by drone lights and the rising orange moon. Taken late at night, during a powerful blizzard, this image highlights the vast mountainous landscape and the striking winter sky.


This year entrants to the Youth competition were invited to respond to the theme Through Your Eyes and share their unique understanding of the world around them. Selected from a shortlist of 10 photographers aged 19 and under, Daniel Murray (United Kingdom, 15 years-old) won the Youth Photographer of the Year 2024 title, receiving Sony digital imaging kit and global exposure.

Murray’s photograph of a solitary surfer on an empty Cornish beach captures the quiet atmosphere of the end of the summer season, and the expansive beach landscapes of the English seaside. Through its soft tones, the image captures the warm light of late summer.

The Sony World Photography Awards 2025 is open for entries till 29 November 2024 (Student competition), 3 January 2025 (Youth and Open competitions), and 10 January 2025 (Professional competition)


"Whakaahua" is a body of work telling a story of transformation; as young New Zealanders embark on their journey to join the Regular Force of the New Zealand Army  Ngāti Tūmatauenga. 

 Basic Training is the first small, but significant step towards their future career in service. Leadership principles such as the pursuit of excellence, the forging of personal resilience, and discipline form the foundations of Basic Training. With the development in fundamental military skillsets, our country’s young men and women are equipped with the right skills, knowledge and attributes for their chosen career path.

 With over 40 different trades on offer in the New Zealand Army, the soldiers who graduate the course are ready for the next challenge in their vocational pathway. It all starts with ‘day one’.

Whakaahua" embodies their 16 week journey.

 Craig Andrew Madsen has been a photographer for over 30 years working both nationally and internationally. In 2017 Craig began documenting the New Zealand Army, spending 18 months in the field to produce an exhibition called He Hōia Ahau - I Am Soldier. Now based in Waiouru, Craig has continued his work with the New Zealand Army, focusing on The Army Depot (TAD) which trains each intake of new recruits.

Its truly a privilege to witness and photograph this 16-week process at TAD. The recruits’ transformation in confidence, self-belief and mana from week one to graduation is simply incredible

I simply wish to provide a record and document these personnels’ service to our country, and in doing so providing their families with an opportunity to capture that experience and growth. 

I hope that my photographs can stimulate memories and emotion within our servicemen and women, and resonate with the New Zealand Army of the past and present. If they can place themselves, and recall their own journeys in my photographs, I believe I am on the right path. All my photography with the army is black and white, and this plays a key role in establishing that connection; black and white photographs require thought and imagination from the audience, it doesnt give it all away.”


Sue is a passionate photographer whose love for this art form has continued to grow since early 2003 and offers visual insight into the beauty of our earth and its diversity.

Having won numerous awards, exhibited her work, self published several books, achieved honary membership of the NZ Photographic Society, Sue continues to explore the different genres of photography and develop her own style.

Being a keen traveller and fortunate to have visited many of the remote parts of the world, Africa is the one place that continues to beckon her back.
In Sue’s words “Africa is wild, it is raw, it is humbling, it captivates the heart and will not let go”.


All work is for sale with 100% proceeds back to the photographer - your purchase will encourage them with their love of photography.

You can also vote for peoples choice and purchase online.

Capture the moment is IHC NZ photography competition for New Zealanders who have an intellectual disability or an intellectual disability and autism.

Building on the success of the IHC Art Awards, we wanted to showcase the talent of New Zealanders through a different medium.

The theme of this year’s competition is “Nature: the living world” (Nature – all the animals, plants and other things in the world that exist or happen independently of people, water, sea mountains).

This year there was over 100 entries. The judges, Shayne Jeffares, Bridgit Anderson, and Rachel Callander were honoured to evaluate such stunning submissions and found it challenging to choose just a few winners.


I am a very passionate freelance photographer with my main areas of focus being Ocean, Lifestyle, Outdoor, Wedding, Tourism, Sport and Rural Photography . 
I don’t have a conventional approach to image making, story telling or creating as I know that every story has a different way of being told. I like to think as a problem solver, action taker and love to get stuck in when sharing stories about passionate people and companies. 
By focusing my energy into people, relationships and nature, creating still images comes naturally to me. With worldly experiences in a diverse range of situations and environments I am willing to take risks when telling stories, dive head first into anything and do it all with a good attitude and like minded people.


I never venture out to a stunning location without a few Lego figures in my backpack and a camera in my hand. I am currently in my third and final year at Whitecliffe, studying a Bachelor Of Fine Arts Photomedia. 

Throughout my childhood, I was always somewhat curious about the art of photography and would sometimes take the family camera with me on trips to capture the wildlife and landscapes around me. But it wasn't until February of 2019 when I borrowed my brother's Canon 700D for a school project and photographed a Lego figure on my driveway, that I have become completely hooked on taking photos. Not only of landscapes and wildlife, but Lego figures and sets within the places I visit. 

I’ve been doing LEGO photography for just over 5 years now and what fascinates me most about this art is being able to use ordinary LEGO figures and make them look like they belong within real world environments around New Zealand. Whether that be on sandy beaches or snowy mountains, it has always been such an enjoyable process of laying the figure down and photographing it in a unique way. LEGO figures allow me to tell stories and continue to keep a special part of my childhood with me while also incorporating New Zealand's stunning landscapes into the images. 

Nasie Bella Bayley

Sharing the lifestyle of cowgirls and cowboys across farming within New Zealand through dramatic imagery. Located in Raglan and the Waikato.

Ronald Oliver Mandilag

Currently based in Tauranga New Zealand, Oliver Mandilag is a street photographer and an accomplished architectural designer from the Philippines

JM Beltran

I love the epic outdoors and the simple beauty of nature, capturing both in photos during my hikes. This exhibit, "Life and Colour", reflects the vibrant life and environments that inspire me. Originally from the Philippines and now based in Wellington, I volunteer at nature reserves, which deepens my passion for wildlife photography. Excited to collaborate with FUJIFILM, I continue to explore new dimensions in my creative journey.
IG: @jmsubs  Website:

Eva Bennett

"My inspiration comes from nature and the environment around me. I like to capture the beauty in the simple things around us, giving life to something that may not appear to be living through my photos"

Sheldon Swears

"I am a Wellington based street photographer.
I have been working on a series I call Linger. the study of humans in their environment.
It is a series of abstract street photography images where shutter speed and contrast contribute to anonymity of my subjects"

Bruce Jenkins

"I like to support local ( Hawkes Bay) creatives, this “Showgirls” exhibition includes over 15 years of work that started by working with local “Alternative” fashion designers which led to working with some of their customers which in turn led to photographing those customers in their stage and theatre performances"

Paul Taylor

My exhibition is familiar NZ scenes and a few from my home County of Yorkshire, all shot in 850nm infrared black and white. This is something I tried a while ago and have become pretty obsessed with.
Inspiration for this and anything else I shoot comes from my late Dad.

Annabel Taylor

I’ve always loved photography and studied the Magnum photographers and especially love the work of Elliot Erwitt and Martin Parr. My current photography work captures Hawkes Bays beautiful landscapes and also my love of beautiful close up images of flowers from our garden, and reflects my love of travel.

Jackie Lowry

This Honoured Veteran series was dreamed up just a few days before the ANZAC Day service in Waipukurau, Central Hawkes Bay. I wanted to honour our local service personnel, both young and old, and after a meeting with the local RSA chairman, we had the okay to set up a booth and offer gift veteran portraits before and after the Dawn service. 20 attendees chose to have their photograph taken, and the results have been really well received.

Alec Withers

'Round Here' collection #2
"Musician and photographer Alec Withers casts a drifting, drive-by, magpie eye on the Bay, as he riffs on the vernacular, the munted and the staunchly local signifiers that make for a sense of place - one that navigates the city grid, the peripheral and the ghosted." - Mark Anderson, Arts Inc.

Terenzo Kwok Pollock

What inspires me most is being able to capture a moment in time that not only shows what a certain object, room or location looks like in that moment but also allows us to see what once was.
This is why I love photographing abandoned places as it shows us the power of time and the effects it has on the things that we as people have simply just left and never returned to.

Benjamin McCallum

Here to hear as many stories as I can. I remember with my eyes so let me photograph.

Dru Burger

Over 30 years in print and motion, both film and digital. Photography youth educator, short films and community photographer.Finding different styles of photography like aerial and 360/ VR.
My most recent trip was to Melbourne city with 360 camera.

Edward Roberts

I’m a 17 year old photographer who specialises in capturing stunning images of NZ’s spectacular landscapes, - particularly the mountains. I am extremely passionate about the beautiful places that we’re fortunate to be able to explore here in NZ. I hope you appreciate how I have portrayed these places and that I have inspired you to get out there and enjoy our beautiful country.

Michael Farr

Just a guy with a camera living in Te Awanga :)

Aarti Doolabh

Witnessing little wonders of nature and capturing those moments along the way brings me so much joy. I enjoy landscapes, the warm glow of sunrises, sunsets and anything nature. This has inspired me to capture these moments into vibrant and colourful images.

Davide Conti

My name is Davide Conti, and I’m originally from the beautiful island of Sicily, but Aotearoa has become my true home. By profession, I’m a physician, but my heart has always been drawn to photography. I find joy in capturing the world around me, whether it's the sweeping beauty of the Milky Way or the faces and stories of people in the streets. My work is about more than just taking pictures; it's about framing moments that tell a story and evoke emotion.

Derek Rossiter

I'm a local Hawkes Bay photographer who has been involved with Fotofest from the very first festival. I love street and night photography, with a bit of landscape thrown in too! Looking forward to showcasing some of my images this year again!

Zhafri Rahman

I love listening to jazz music, to me life is all about exploring as you go just like a jazz improv. I like cats more than dogs, have travelled to more than 50 countries. I enjoy doing volunteering work that helps me connect with people, and most importantly I am passionate about photography and will forever be active in it unlike my other hobbies that I ditched since I got a camera.

Crystal May

Crystal is a Bay of Plenty based photographer sharing her journey of capturing the ocean.
No longer just a subject, the ocean has become her primary source of inspiration -Capturing the ever- changing moods of the sea and the intricate dance of water and light.
“The sea, in its vast and unpredictable beauty, challenges me to slow down, to see the world from new perspectives, to find the extraordinary in the ordinary”.

Victoria Jackson

Born and raised in Hawke’s Bay, I am a 24-year-old creator with a deep passion for photography. My journey began 12 years ago, inspired by the stunning local scenery, which has fuelled my love for landscape photography. I take pride in capturing images that showcase the beauty of our region.

Mary-Anne Chan

A few favourites from more than 70,000 images captured on my iPhone (cracked screen and all!)Thanks to its portability and convenience, especially while traveling to foreign places and new destinations, my iPhone is always within reach. This allows me to capture the subtle beauty of the everyday moments of people's lives.

Annette Bigby  
Scrumble Photography

The journey starts at the sea, stops by the beach, explores a couple of iconic New Zealand trees and finishes in my garden with dahlia's and Bumble Bees. Each image is to inspire beauty in ordinary nature we walk past each day - this beauty is why we need to save the world.

HBPS - Hawke's Bay Photographic Society

You can find the Society's members exhibition number 15 on the map , corner of Russell and Heretaunga Street. Members are on site each day from 10am-3pm to talk with you about their club and give you a tour of their exhibition.

Download the map on our home page here


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