Amanda Hodge, what or who first got you interested in photography?
I have loved taking photos for as long as I can remember. Capturing moments and memories from an early age. Taking over my parents camera on holidays or simply in our own backyard. I just loved seeing the images I took being bought to life when the film was developed.
Describe your vibe
My vibe? Hmmm - I’ve always wondered if I had a unique style. Turns out - according to my followers - I do. People seem to recognize my images as being mine. Perhaps it’s the vibrancy, the colour, those perfect moments-I’m not really sure what it is - but apparently I have a thing…
Your dream camera, unlimited budget
To be honest, I love my current camera and I’m not sure what I’d choose if I had an unlimited budget… I have a Canon 5D Mark 4 and I love it to bits. I also have a Canon 760D and I still use it as a second camera at festivals. I believe it’s the person behind the camera that makes the shot and the editing is key. But if I had an unlimited budget- I’d probably just buy more lenses - there’s always another lens I’d love to own!!
Photographers that inspire you
Eek that’s a hard one. I have so much love for so many of my fellow gig photographers it’s actually hard to choose one. They all have their own style and talents and I definitely love to see what they all bring to the scene. Samantha Davies (to name one) is phenomenal and I love seeing her work pop up in my insta feed - she is one of many female photographers in the live music scene that is smashing it!
Mac or PC? And why
Mac, all day long it’s Mac. Why? I just love it, we used Mac at Ucol and I just find it so simple to use. Probably because I run Apple for my phone etc and it all blends so seamlessly. When I first started out I didn’t have a laptop or computer, I edited everything on my phone (mad I know) Hard to believe I managed like that for so long haha
Whats in your kit right now?
Canon 5D Mark 4, my workhorse 24-70mm f2.8 II L series lens, 70 - 200mm f4 telephoto lens and sigma art 50mm f1.4mm lens. A ridiculous amount of different sd cards, 2 batteries, ear plugs (must have) lens wipes, chewing gum, lip balm, deodorant and sometimes my second camera - Canon 760D. I also have a couple of filters for regular photography and spare batteries for the 760D.
Challenging shoots.
Most of what I shoot is challenging, low light, moving subjects, smoke, haze, heat and a mosh pit - can make for interesting moments. Sometimes I walk out thinking I’ve failed immensely. But somehow I’m always pleasantly surprised. I am always up for a challenge and challenging it is- I believe that’s what makes the images I create so much more special.
One piece of advice and a tip for people keen to shoot live music.
Feel it, feel those moments and show them in your images. I always aim for my viewers to feel what it was like to be there, in the moment, in the crowd and on the stage. The colour, the excitement, the movement. My tip would be, ear protection-look after those things on the side of your head - leaning on speakers is something I do a lot and ear protection is extremely important. But for the photography- you can’t go wrong with an f2.8 lens or lower, and if your camera can handle it-crank that ISO and don’t be scared.
Most famous person I’ve photographed,
I shoot New Zealand musicians (mostly) I’d have to say Sir Dave Dobbyn - the legend himself would be right up there. But honestly - all the bands are famous in my eyes!! I still fangirl hard and some of the bands I have photographed many many MANY times. It never gets old.
And yes I do get to go backstage a lot, or hang out in the green room with the bands - I still pinch myself over those moments!!